Never miss a sale with FM Retail’s seamless Order in Store solution

FM Retail equips your branches with seamless Order in Store functionality, ensuring that you never miss a sale due to unavailable stock.

Sales opportunities are often lost when a customer is looking for a specific item in a certain size/colour that’s not currently stocked in your branch but is available elsewhere within the business. FM Retail’s Order in Store solution addresses this challenge by creating an order at your H.O for the item, similar to a web order. Customers are then given a choice: they can opt to have their item delivered to their doorstep or ready for collection in-store.


Our Order in Store solution ensures that you capture every sale, maximising your revenue potential.

To keep your customers in the loop about their order, FM Retail automatically sends email notifications. Your customers will receive an email when their product is ready for collection in-store or when it's been dispatched.

Don't let sales opportunities slip away. Contact FM Retail to find out more about our Order in Store functionality!

order in store solution